R from gvSIG perspective

An introduction to gvSIG geoprocessing

Geostat course, Albacete 2016

Cesar Martinez Izquierdo - www.scolab.es

gvSIG Association


  • Workshop goals
  • Software installation
  • Introduction to gvSIG
  • Interacting with R
  • Exercises

Workshop goals

  • Get an overview of gvSIG, a full featured desktop GIS software
  • Learning about how to use R from gvSIG
  • Demonstrate gvSIG geoprocessing and visualization capabilities, using a case study

Software installation

The following software is required for the course:

  • gvSIG 2.3.0 rc4 (or later)
  • gvSIG-Rexternal (gvSIG plugin)
  • R statistical software

Press Down key for details

gvSIG 2.3.0 rc4 (or later)

  • Get the software from the Development versions download section at gvsig.com
  • The installable version is recommended
  • But you can also use the portable version (no installation required)
  • If using Linux, choose the gvSIG version suitable for your Linux version (e.g. Ubuntu 16.04 vs 14.04)

R statistical software

Download and install from CRAN

gvSIG-Rexternal (gvSIG plugin)

  • Download from the dist folder of the plugin Github repo. You need the last available .gvspkg file (version 1.0.2-6 as of October 2016)
  • Install using gvSIG Add-ons manager (Menu: Tools -> Add-ons manager)
  • Choose Installation from file to install the downloaded .gvspkg file
  • Select Rexternal from the list of available plugins
  • Note that you may need to execute gvSIG as Administrator in order to install plugins in Windows

gvSIG-Rexternal (gvSIG plugin)

gvSIG-Rexternal (gvSIG plugin)

gvSIG-Rexternal (II)

Test that RExternal is correctly installed by launching RShell using the gvSIG Scripting launcher

gvSIG-Rexternal (III)

It should open a new R console

Check the next slide if you find any problem

gvSIG-Rexternal (IV)

  • RExternal tries to guess the R installation folder, but you may need to manually configure it
  • If needed, edit the file gvSIG/extensiones/org.gvsig.rexternal.app.mainplugin/rpath.properties within your gvSIG installation folder
  • You need to write the full path to the R executable, as shown in the examples

# File: gvSIG/extensiones/org.gvsig.rexternal.app.mainplugin/rpath.properties
# keep this empty to search R binary in current PATH

## You can manually set the path to the R binary. Examples:
# Typical path for Linux:
# R_BIN_PATH=/usr/bin/R
# Typical path for Windows 64 bits:
# R_BIN_PATH=c:\\Program Files\\R\\R-3.2.3\\bin\\x64\\R.exe
# Typical path for Windows 32 bits:
# R_BIN_PATH=c:\\Program Files\\R\\R-3.2.3\\bin\\x32\\R.exe

## Note that in Windows, the path to R will likely change when
## you update R to a newer version!!!!!

## You can also use an internally-installed R instance
# R_BIN_PATH=R/bin/R

Install extra symbol libraries (gvSIG plugins)

  • Install using gvSIG Add-ons manager (Menu: Tools -> Add-ons manager)
  • Choose Standard installation
  • Install all the available symbol libraries
  • Note that you may need to execute gvSIG as Administrator in order to install plugins in Windows

R packages

Install the following R packages: rgdal, sp and raster.

Type in R console:


Introduction to gvSIG

  • Overview
  • Vector layers
  • Raster layers
  • Remote services
  • 3D views
  • Geoprocessing
  • Scripting


  • gvSIG is a desktop geographic information system (GIS) application
  • Available for Linux, Windows and Mac
  • Translated to 18 languages
  • Long history: first version released on 2004
  • GPL3 license

Overview (II)

  • Vector and raster data support
  • Support for data bases, remote services (OGC's WMS, WMTS, WFS, WCS, etc) and other tile providers (OSM/Map Quest, Google, etc)
  • Vector editing capabilities
  • 3D visualization
  • Map composer

Overview (III)

  • Geoprocessing tools and process modeller
  • Easily extensible using the integrated scripting framework and the Add-on manager
  • Different scripting languages supported (Python/Jython, Groovy, R/Renjin, Javascript and Scala)

gvSIG documents

gvSIG documents

  • Views: data visualization, processing and editing
  • Table: alphanumeric information visualization/editing
  • Map: map composition, printing and high quality exporting
  • Charts: create simple charts

Views: Add layer

Vector data

  • Advanced symbology and labelling
  • Lots of formats supported: SHP, PostGIS, DXF, DGN, GML, KML, LAS (LIDAR), CSV and Excel points...
  • Plus all the formats supported by OGR

Add layer: files

Symbol library

Symbol library

Raster data

  • Uses GDAL to read most formats
  • Analysis view, colour tables, histograms, etc

WMTS layers

3D views

  • Creates 3D views from 2D views (layers, symbology, etc)
  • Viewport and layer synchronization between views
  • Spheric and flat modes
  • Anaglyph mode

3D views: LIDAR data

3D views: vector extrusion



  • Raster and vector processing tools
  • 355 tools available (including Sextante)
  • General purpose and specific (hydrology, forestry, etc) tools
  • More tools available as plugins: JGrass tools (forestry, LIDAR, hydrology...)
  • Creation of new tools is simple (Python, Java, R...)

Process modeller

Process modeller

Process modeller

  • Simple while powerful tool to define models or automating processing flows
  • Useful for streamlining complex analysis

Scripting framework

  • Useful for extending gvSIG or automate tasks
  • Allows to create:
    • new buttons, menu entries, forms
    • new geoprocessing tools (and use them in the modeller)
  • Integrated scripting composer and launcher
  • Integrated console (Python)
  • Simplifies creation of new gvSIG plugins

Scripting framework

Interacting with R

  • Two different R plugins (and approaches) in gvSIG:
    • Renjin (Java based R implementation)
    • RExternal plugin (uses an external R process)
  • They offer totally different possibilities and limitations


  • Integrated in the gvSIG Scripting framework
  • Makes possible to control or automate gvSIG from an R script (layer loading, accessing to layer values, etc)
  • Limitations:
    • Only a small fraction of the existing R packages are available on Renjin
    • For the moment, no direct way to load R data frames as gvSIG tables or accessing gvSIG tables as R data frames


  • Installation of packages works in a different way, compared to the regular R implementation
  • Packages get automatically installed when the library() command is used
  • The availability of each package for Renjin can be checked on this page

RExternal plugin

  • Allows to launch R scripts from gvSIG
  • Runs as an external R native process (so any R package can be used)
  • Provides an easy way to pass gvSIG layers as inputs to the R script and to load R outputs as gvSIG layers
  • R scripts can be registered as gvSIG Geoprocesses and included in gvSIG models

RExternal plugin

  • Limitations:
    • Requires a small script declaration (written in Python) per each R script
    • Data interchange is limited to input/output layers/tables

RExternal plugin

  • The integrated R script can be very easily packaged and distributed as gvSIG plugin
  • The user interface for the process is automatically built (based on the declaration of parameters)

RExternal plugin

RExternal plugin

RExternal plugin

    See Exercise 3 for detailed documentation and usage examples


Download and uncompress the sample data and sample scripts for the exercises

Exercise 1

Goal: getting familiar with gvSIG basics

Exercise 1: Views and data

  • Create a new view: Project Manager -> View -> New
  • Change some View properties:

Exercise 1: Views and data

Exercise 1: Views and data

  • Change some View properties:
    • Set a meaningful name: Spain
    • Configure a proper reference system for the view. We'll work with Spain data, so we'll use UTM zone 30N with ETRS89 datum (code EPSG:25830)
    • It is important to set the CRS before loading any layer

Exercise 1: Views and data

Exercise 1: Views and data

  • Load some vector layers

Exercise 1: Views and data

  • Load all the layers under the bcn500_cnig folder
  • They contain information about:
    • Points: airports
    • Lines: motorways, primary and secondary roads
    • Polygons: main agglomerations

Exercise 1: Views and data

  • Apply proper symbology to each layers (select layer in TOC & then double click on it)
  • You can define your own symbology or use the symbol library
  • Suggestion: use OSM symbols for roads and airports

Exercise 1: Views and data

  • You can load an online satellite image as background
  • Go to Add layer -> WMTS
  • Use service http://www.ign.es/wmts/pnoa-ma?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMTS
  • Connect to the service and follow the wizard
  • Choose the proper reference system (EPSG:25830)

Exercise 1: Views and data

  • Reorder the layers on TOC:
    • move the satellite image and the polygon layer to the bottom
    • move the airport layer to the top
    • order the roads by importance
  • You can also set the secondary roads layer to be only visible at a certain scale (on layer properties)

Exercise 1: Views and data

Exercise 1: Views and data

  • Create a 3D spheric view
  • Use terrain exaggeration to make it more impressive
  • Hints:
    • You can use the mouse and shift keys to navigate faster
    • You'll see a reprojection artifact in the WMTS layer. You can disable it (as there is a built-in satellite image on the 3D view) or create the 2D view using EPSG:4326 to avoid this artifact
  • Use the Animation manager to create a visualization

Exercise 1: Views and data

  • Use the Animation manager to create a visualization
  • Set at least 5 animation steps

Exercise 1: Views and data

Exercise 2

Goal: Demonstrate the geoprocessing toolbox

Exercise 2

We have some information about species distribution (from the SPANISH INVENTORY OF TERRESTRIAL SPECIES) and want to learn about the habitat preferences of a particular species (Otis tarda).

We also have information about land cover and elevation

Hi, I am Otis tarda!!








Image: Francesco Veronesi (CC BY-SA 2.0)

I am also Otis tarda









Image: Governor of Volgograd Oblast (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Exercise 2

  • First, we need to load the species distribution information
  • We have a shapefile defining a reference grid and a CSV that defines in which cells of the grid the species is present
  • Load the layer Malla10x10_MarTierra_p.shp
  • Go to Project Manager and create a new table to load the CSV (otis_tarda_latin1.csv or (otis_tarda_utf8.csv)
  • Hints:
    • When loading the table, go to properties and select Profile: Excel
    • Use the latin1 csv in Windows and utf8 otherwise
    • Or choose the proper encoding in advanced properties tab

Exercise 2

  • Now we need to relate the shp with the csv information, using the Join tool
  • From the newly created table, go to menu Table -> Create join
  • Choose the SHP as the first data store to join, the csv as the second one
  • The fields containing the related keys are CUARDICULA and CUTM10X10.
  • We'll only need the Grupo, Nombre, Genero and Especie fields from the CSV

Exercise 2

  • Now we want to select only the cells with species presence
  • On the joined layer, use tool Select By Attribute (menu: Selection)
  • Select the records having Otis tarda as name, creating a new selection set

Exercise 2

  • Now we'll export the selected cells to a new layer
  • From the view TOC, right click on the joined layer and select Export to...
  • Export to a new SHP, including only selected records
  • Performance tip: do some cleaning, hide or remove all the previous layers

Exercise 2

  • Now we want to know in which types of land cover the species can be found
  • We'll cross the information and get some statistics

Exercise 2

  • Load clc2006_250 raster layer, containing land cover information for the year 2016 from the European dataset Corine Land Cover
  • There are two equivalent class codes
    • The one used in the raster file (from 1 to 44)
    • A hierarchical code (1, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 2, 2.1, etc)
  • There is a txt file next to the layer, providing information about the class definitions and code equivalences

Exercise 2

  • Open the Geoprocessing toolbox (menu: Tools: Geoprocessing: Toolbox)
  • There is a large list of processes available
  • You can filter them using the search box (down)
  • Some of them are disabled because there is no suitable input layer for them in the view

Exercise 2

Exercise 2

  • Use the Crop grid with polygon layer algorithm to extract the land cover classes that overlap with the species presence areas
  • Then use the Class statistics algorithm to get the frequency of each land cover class in the presence areas
  • Hint: The output of the Class statistics algorithm is a table, you can open it from the Project Manager

Exercise 2

Exercise 2

  • Now you can use the elevation data for performing a similar analysis
  • Load the elevation data (ign_mdt200)
  • Use the Geoprocessing Toolbox to calculate the slope from the elevation (as slope usually influences species habitats)
  • Think yourself about an appropriate methodology to analyse this information

Exercise 3

Goal: Demonstrate the gvSIG-R interface using RExternal plugin

Exercise 3

We are going to learn how to integrate R scripts in the gvSIG Geoprocessing Toolbox and how to easily distribute them as new gvSIG plugins

Exercise 3

  • First we'll study the structure and code of the provided sample plugins. Start by looking at the geostatsplugin folder. We'll have 4 components:
    • The R script we want to integrate
    • A bit of Python glue-code to declare the R script parameters and methods
    • An small autorun.py script to register the script in the Toolbox
    • An empty __init__.py file
  • There is also some .inf files but they are automatically created by gvSIG when the scripts are created

Exercise 3

Have a closer look to each file. In test.r script we have: 1) a function to load some libraries:

load_libraries <- function() {

Exercise 3

Have a closer look to each file. In test.r script we have: 2) a doalmostnothing function which loads a vector layer and copies one raster from inrasterpathname to outrasterpathname:

doalmostnothing <- function(shpdsn, shpname, inrasterpathname, outrasterpathname){
  message("shp loaded")
  message("raster loaded")
  writeRaster(rasterimage, filename=outrasterpathname, format="GTiff", overwrite=TRUE)
  return (1)

Exercise 3

Have a closer look to each file. In gluecode.py we basically have: 1) some imports, a class declaration extending from RProcess class and an __init__ method defining the path to the rscript (and optionally the working directory):

import rlib
from rlib.process import *
import os

class TestProcess1(RProcess):
    def __init__(self):
        baseDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        rscript = os.path.join(baseDir, "rscript.r")
        RProcess.__init__(self, rscript, baseDir)

Exercise 3

Have a closer look to each file. In gluecode.py we basically have: 2) a defineCharacteristics method with the declaration of the inputs and outputs:

    def defineCharacteristics(self):
        # Process name
        self.setName("Test R process1")
        # Process group
        self.setGroup("Geostat course")
        params = self.getParameters() 
        # Define an input vector parameter, named IN_VECTOR, of type polygon and make it mandatory
        params.addInputVectorLayer("IN_VECTOR","Input vector layer", SHAPE_TYPE_POLYGON, True)

        # Define an input raster parameter named IN_RASTER and make it mandatory
        params.addInputRasterLayer("IN_RASTER","Input raster layer", True)

        # Define an output raster layer, name "OUT_RASTER"
        self.addOutputRasterLayer("OUT_RASTER", "Output raster")

Exercise 3

Have a closer look to each file. In gluecode.py we basically have: 3) a callRProcess method defining the methods of the R script to be called:

    def callRProcess(self, *args):
        Calls the main method of the defined R script
        self.R.call("doalmostnothing", *args)

Exercise 3

  • You could even omit callRProcess (then the main method of the R script would be called)
  • You can also define more complex callRProcess methods if you want to somehow transform or reorder some parameters (see the examples on the provided sample scripts)

Exercise 3

Have a closer look to each file. In autorun.py script we instance the TestProcess1 that we previously declared in gluecode.py and we register it on the toolbox:

import gvsig
from gluecode import *
import gluecode

process = gluecode.TestProcess1()

Exercise 3

This is enough to have the R plugin available on the gvSIG toolbox and process modeller

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

But we can do the same even with less code. Have a look to the geostatsplugincompact sample plugin. It only contains:

  • The R script(s) to be integrated
  • The autorun.py script, in which we do the declaration and registration of the R scripts altogether
  • The empty __init__.py file

Exercise 3

If you look to autorun.py in geostatsplugincompact, you'll notice:

  • We have omitted the __init__ method (we use self.rscript in defineCharacteristics instead
  • We have also omitted the callRprocess method (because we have a main method in our R script)

Exercise 3

Now you are ready to integrate your own scripts. Follow these steps

  • Open the gvSIG scripting composer (Tools -> Development -> Scripting composer)
  • Create a new folder (File -> New), type the name (it will be the name of your plugin) and select Type: Folder
  • Create the empty __init__.py script (File -> New), type: Script, language: Python, save on the folder you just created

Exercise 3

  • Create the R script script (File -> New), type: Script, language: R. You can create it from scratch or you can paste an existing R script. You could also directly copy the file in the right folder, within ${HOME}/gvSIG/plugins/org.gvsig.scripting.app.mainplugin/scripts/yourpluginname

Exercise 3

  • Finally, create the autorun.py script (File -> New), type: Script, language: Python
  • You need to create a class per each R script you want to integrate
  • IMPORTANT: the name of the class MUST be unique (even across different plugins)
  • In each class, you need to declare:
    • the path to the R script and its parameters (within the defineCharacteristics method)
    • the R functions to call (within the callRProcess method)
  • And you need to write the registration code at the end of the file (outside any class declaration)

Exercise 3

Once you test and validate your plugin, you are ready to distribute it. It's very easy!!

  • From the Scripting Composer, click on menu Tools -> Script package
  • Choose the folder you created (which contains all the scripts)
  • Review the form details (name, version...)
  • And finally select the output folder and file name

Exercise 3

This creates a .gvspkg file, which can be easily installed on other computer using gvSIG's Add-on Manager

You can also contact us to get your plugin included on the Standard installation list. In this way, your users will not need to download the package themselves

Exercise 3